(Oktoberfest Banner) |
Paulaner Brauhaus finally announced their most-anticipated annual event which is known as "Oktoberfest". The event is being held at Paulaner Brauhaus Jakarta from 7-10 October 2015, Paulaner even brew special beer at their microbrewery to celebrate this event. Not only beer, Paulaner also provide various kind of Bavarian Style dishes and also invite X'elch'ten Band which came originally from Germany to play Bavarian folk music during the event.
(X'elch'ten Band) | | | | | | | |
I personally got invited by
Lokalwise to join Oktoberfest 2015. I personally came at 6 PM to see the preparation for this Opening Night (which hasn't started until 8 PM) at take a seat at table 101, the table is quite nice because it is near to the stage and I'm very excited to sing along with the band even I didn't quite understand German language.
(Main Seatings) |
(Invitation Table) |
(Table 101) |
The Event
Oktoberfest finally came to live at 8 PM, the first event is by tapping the big barrel of special brewed beer for Oktoberfest 2015. The Host of the event also gave a few words about his excitement for this annual event of Paulaner.
(Oktoberfest Opening) |
As I said, during the event, people are getting entertained by the Band which is very great and attractive. All of the members are singing along during the show. The Band also brought the longest blow-instrument which came from Bavaria and they're playing it to entertain people at Paulaner.
(X'elch'ten Band entertain the customer) |
There are also Beer drinking competition which allow teams (consisted of 4-5 people) to drink up a liter of Oktoberfest beer as fast as they could. The record was 10.3 seconds which is done by the second team.
(Beer Drinking Competition) |
The Food and Drinks
For Oktoberfest 2015, I got myself the full package of Free Flow Beer including Family Style Bavarian Dishes which is cost Rp.990.000,00. There are also some packages which is stated as Free Flow Beer only (without food) costs Rp.528.000,00. You can check their full listing of package
(On The Table 101) |
(Oktoberfest 2015 Menu) |
First of all, I was enjoying the Oktoberfest Bier. What makes it so special? Because it was only brewed by the brew master for this event, only for 2.000 liters. The beer is also contain higher alcohol level compared to other beer (5 %), but it has a lighter taste compared other Paulaner's beer, kind of sweet and pleasant taste. I personally had my first German Beer and it is now become my favorite beer. When it's tapped, you may see the rich foam above the beer, but the foam doesn't last very long so you have to drink it quick to enjoy the perfect mix between the beer itself and the foam.
(Oktoberfest Bier) |
(Foam above the Beer) |
While enjoying my Beer, I also had my self an Original Pretzel Fresh from The Oven. The Pretzel was lovely and has a brownish color, it was also still warm. When you're eating it, you can feel the salty taste of pretzel. Very Lovely!
(Original Pretzel Fresh From The Oven) |
Beside the Pretzel, there is one more of Paulaner's bread selection. It is called as
German Bread Basket which consisted of Sourdough, Salt-Stick Roll, Dark Beer Bread, and Mini Pretzel served with a rustic butter.
(German Bread Basket) |
For the Food, there are 3-course meal available for Oktoberfest 2015. Started with the lovely Paulaner "Brotzeit" Plate, continued by the main course of Oktoberfest Platter, and closed by the sweetness of Bavarian Creme & Emperor's Pancake with Apple Compote.
(Paulaner "Brotzeit" Plate) |
Our Starter Set, the Paulaner "Brotzeit" Plate contains selection of smoked and cured hams, assorted homemade cold cuts, liver pate, Obatzda, lard, smoked chicken breast and cold roasted pork neck, emmenthal cheese, Gouda, pickles, radish and tomatoes. It is served with 3 condiments which is consisted of homemade potato salad, cucumber and tomato salad, and cabbage salad with caraway seeds.
(Homemade Potato Salad) |
(Cabbage Salad with Caraway Seeds) |
(Cucumber and Tomato Salad) |
Moving on to our Main Course, I ordered the Oktoberfest Platter which consist of Paulaner's famous Crispy Pork Knuckle, meat loaf, oven roasted chicken, chicken snitzel, and selection of Paulaner Sausages (Nuremberger, Debreziner, and Vienna). There are also Stuffed Pork Neck braised in Dark beer Sauce and Red Cabbage in other plate.
(Oktoberfest Platter) |
(Crispy Pork Knuckle) |
(Stuffed Pork Neck braised in Dark Beer Sauce and Red Cabbage) |
Customer can choose whether they want to choose Pork set or Non-Pork, me personally choose the non-pork. The difference is that I got the same platter but the pork dishes are removed leaving the exact same delicious Oktoberfest Platter.
(Oktoberfest Platter - Non Pork Set) |
The Oktoberfest Platter is also served with Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes and French Fries. The Sauerkraut has a sour kind of taste (not my taste), but I like the mashed potatoes which is creamy and smooth.
(Mashed Potatoes) |
(Sauerkraut) |
It's time for dessert, now I got my Bavarian Creme and Emperor's pancake with apple compote ready. The Bavarian Creme is very nice, the taste is similar to Panna Cotta but better, it also has like a blueberry jam above which make it delicious. The Pancake was still warm, I love the consistency of the pancake, perfect sweetness.
(Bavarian Creme and Emperor's Pancake with Apple Compote) |
(Bavarian Creme and Emperor's Pancake with Apple Compote) |
Well, Oktoberfest 2015 was a blast! We got ourselves a Free Flow of Oktoberfest Bier and a pile of delicious Bavarian Platter. I thought that the price is worthy enough because you can't get this kind of Euphoria elsewhere, it is only at Paulaner Brauhaus. If you're a Beer lover or German Cuisine lover, take your time to visit Paulaner during their Oktoberfest. You won't regret it!
(My Third Glass, which is my last Bier for the night) |
(Cheers!) | | |
Before we go home, I would like to say "Thank You" to Ms. Silvia and Mr. Surya for a lovely chat and drinks at Oktoberfest 2015. I hope we can meet again in another event! Cheers!
Paulaner Brauhaus
Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, East Mall, 2nd Floor
Jln. MH Thamrin, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat
Phone +62 21 2358 3871